Teddy Guinea Pig

Teddy Guinea Pig Info: Facts, Care Guide & Traits Teddy guinea pigs, with their irresistibly cute appearance and charming personalities, have captured the hearts of pet enthusiasts around the world. If you’re considering bringing one of these delightful little creatures into your life, you’re in for a treat.

Teddy Guinea Pig Info: Facts, Care Guide & Traits

In this post, we’re introduced to the enchanting world of the Teddy Guinea Pig. This delightful breed, named for its teddy bear-like charm, has earned a spot among the top guinea pig breeds. We explore the breed’s history, unique appearance, distinctive coat, and the choice between Swiss and American Teddy guinea pigs. Discover their friendly personality, care requirements, and insights into their health. We’ll also touch on the importance of adopting from rescue centers. Join us in unraveling the charm and appeal of the Teddy Guinea Pig, a living teddy bear ready to melt your heart.

Teddy Guinea Pig Facts

COMMON NAMESTeddy guinea pig, teddy bear guinea pig, teddy cavy, teddy bear cavy
SCIENTIFIC NAMECavia porcellus
Lifespan4-8 years
FurMedium length, up to 2.4 inch curly, dense
Care LevelMedium
DietHay, vegetables, herbs
Minimum Tank Size8 square feet per animal
Color FormBlack, cream, gold, lilac, beige, brindle
TemperamentFriendly, affectionate, social, needy
Teddy Guinea Pig Facts

History and Origins of Teddy Guinea Pigs

Teddy guinea pigs, known scientifically as Cavia porcellus, are descendants of wild guinea pigs that originated in the Andes Mountains of South America. Initially considered pests in countries like Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, guinea pigs eventually found their way into households as beloved pets. These adorable rodents even caught the attention of European royalty after they were brought to Europe, including the UK. However, teddy guinea pigs, unlike some of their relatives, are a relatively new addition to the world of guinea pig breeds. Their unique characteristics likely resulted from genetic mutations, or from experienced guinea pig owners cross-breeding their favorite breeds.

Teddy Guinea Pig: Do You Like This Breed?

Teddy Guinea Pig

Teddy Guinea Pig’s Adorable Appearance

At first glance, teddy guinea pigs look similar to other guinea pig breeds, with their cylindrical bodies, four legs, and twitching ears. However, where they stand out is in their nose – affectionately referred to as a ‘Roman nose.’ They fall in between the largest and smallest guinea pig breeds in terms of size. While the Rex is the largest, the American and Texel are smaller, measuring between 8-9 inches and 8-10 inches in length, respectively.

But what truly sets teddy guinea pigs apart is their coat. While they come in various colors, including gold, chestnut, white, brown, black, orange, and grey, they have more hair than most short-haired breeds. Their fur is reminiscent of a plush teddy bear, which explains their adorable name. Additionally, there are two types of teddy guinea pigs: Swiss Teddy and American Teddy. The American Teddy has a shorter, denser coat compared to the Swiss Teddy, which is considered the rarer of the two.

Teddy Guinea Pig’s Personality

Teddy Guinea Pig

Much like their namesake, teddy guinea pigs love to be held and cuddled. Their friendly and affectionate nature makes them perfect companions for pet owners looking for a warm and loving friend. It’s essential to handle them with care and ensure that children and inexperienced individuals are supervised during interactions to prevent stress or injury.

Caring for Teddy Guinea Pigs

1. Diet and Nutrition

Teddy guinea pigs thrive on a plant-based diet, with a few key dietary components to consider:

  • Timothy Hay: Provide unlimited access to high-quality Timothy hay. This essential component not only aids in digestion but also helps keep their continuously growing teeth worn down. You can use a hayrack or simply lay the hay in their enclosure.
  • Commercial Pellets: Invest in high-quality commercial guinea pig pellets. Ensure that these pellets are fortified with vitamin C since guinea pigs cannot produce this essential nutrient themselves. Follow the package instructions for feeding quantity, and always provide fresh pellets in a small ceramic bowl daily.
  • Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: To supplement their hay and pellets, offer fresh fruits and vegetables in moderation. Consult with your vet to determine the appropriate amount based on your teddy guinea pig’s size, age, and activity level. Suitable options include kale, carrots, zucchini, and blueberries.
  • Clean Water: Always provide access to clean and fresh water. Using a water bottle attached to the enclosure is the best way to ensure cleanliness. Still, you can include a small water dish until you’re sure your guinea pig is drinking from the bottle. Change the water daily.

2. Housing and Environment

Ensuring your teddy guinea pig’s comfort and well-being involves creating a suitable living space:

  • Cage Size: Guinea pigs need spacious enclosures. For one guinea pig, a cage should measure at least 30 by 36 inches, and for two, 30 by 50 inches. They’re not climbers, so height isn’t as crucial, but a cage with a plastic base and wire walls and top is ideal. Avoid wire flooring as it can harm their feet.
  • Bedding: Use about 2 inches of dye-free paper bedding in the cage. Avoid pine and cedar bedding, as they can harm your guinea pig’s respiratory health. Change the bedding weekly, and regularly clean the cage with mild soap and water.
  • Shelter and Toys: Provide a guinea pig-sized shelter or nest within the enclosure for them to rest and feel secure. Include guinea pig toys to encourage play and chewing, as this is essential for their mental stimulation.
  • Temperature and Lighting: Keep their habitat away from drafts, direct sunlight, and high-traffic areas. Guinea pigs are sensitive to temperature extremes, so maintain a comfortable room temperature. Natural lighting is preferred for their daily routines.

3. Health and Wellness

Teddy guinea pigs can be susceptible to various health issues. Regular monitoring and proper care can help maintain their well-being:

  • Respiratory Diseases: Be watchful for signs of upper respiratory problems, such as difficulty breathing, sneezing, or loss of appetite.
  • Parasites: Skin parasites like mites and lice can affect guinea pigs, leading to itching and hair loss.
  • Dental Health: Ensure their dental health is maintained. Overgrown teeth can cause issues like difficulty eating, drooling, and sinus infections.
  • Eye Care: Keep an eye out for eye infections, scratches, and other eye-related problems.
  • Tumors: Older guinea pigs are more prone to various tumors. Regular health checks can help identify these issues early.
  • Bumblefoot: Prevent foot infections (pododermatitis) by avoiding wire cage floors and maintaining good hygiene.
  • Scurvy: Provide adequate vitamin C to prevent scurvy, which can lead to weakness, lethargy, and other symptoms.
  • Bladder Stones: Keep an eye out for signs of bladder stones, such as difficulty urinating.

4. Behavior and Training

  • Litter Training: Some guinea pigs can learn to use a litter box. Use a litter box with separate bedding and encourage them to use it. Treat them when they do.
  • Exercise: Allow your guinea pig out of the enclosure for a few hours each day in a safe, supervised area. Make sure the environment is free from hazards and potentially harmful objects.
  • Grooming: Brush your teddy guinea pig weekly to maintain their coat. Hair trimming is generally unnecessary due to their short coat. Occasional nail trims may be required.

5. Teddy Guinea Pig Costs

Budget for ongoing expenses, including food, bedding, occasional enclosure items, and veterinary care. Monthly costs typically amount to around $40, with additional expenses for routine and emergency veterinary care.

Unique coat Color in Teddies

Teddy Guinea Pig

Teddy Guinea Pigs come in a wide range of coat colors. Some of the common coat colors for Teddy guinea pigs include gold, chestnut, white, brown, black, orange, and grey. They can also exhibit multicolored and tricolored patterns. The variety of coat colors adds to the appeal of these charming little pets, and you can find Teddy guinea pigs in different shades and combinations, making them even more unique and delightful.

Swiss and American Teddies

  1. Coat Texture:
    • Swiss Teddy: The Swiss Teddy guinea pig has a fur texture that is coarser and denser. Their coat often feels more robust and thicker to the touch.
    • American Teddy: American Teddies, on the other hand, have a softer and less dense fur. While still plush, their fur isn’t as thick as that of Swiss Teddies.
  2. Coat Length:
    • Swiss Teddy: Swiss Teddies boast a longer coat, which adds to their distinctive appearance. The fur on Swiss Teddies can be notably more extended.
    • American Teddy: American Teddy guinea pigs have a shorter coat compared to Swiss Teddies. Their fur is less likely to reach the same length.
  3. Rarity:
    • Swiss Teddy: Swiss Teddy guinea pigs are considered rarer within the guinea pig breed spectrum. You might not find them as easily as American Teddies.
    • American Teddy: American Teddies are more commonly found in the pet world, making them a popular choice among guinea pig enthusiasts.
  4. Appearance:
    • Swiss Teddy: Their longer and denser fur gives Swiss Teddies a unique and somewhat elegant appearance. The added fur length can create a wavy or curly look.
    • American Teddy: American Teddies are known for their plush, somewhat coarse fur. They often resemble cuddly teddy bears due to their slightly shorter coat.
  5. Maintenance:
    • Swiss Teddy: Due to their longer and denser fur, Swiss Teddies may require more grooming and care. Regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and maintain their fur quality.
    • American Teddy: American Teddy guinea pigs may require less grooming due to their shorter and less dense coat. However, routine brushing is still advisable for their overall well-being.

When choosing between Swiss and American Teddy guinea pigs, consider your preferences for grooming, the availability of these breeds in your area, and the unique appearance that each one offers. Both are delightful and charming pets, so the choice largely depends on your personal preferences.

Adopting Teddies from rescue centers

Adopting from rescue centers is essential for several reasons:

  1. Saving Lives: By adopting from a rescue center, you give abandoned or neglected animals a chance for a better life. You’re literally saving lives.
  2. Reducing Overpopulation: Many rescue centers work tirelessly to spay and neuter animals, helping control the pet overpopulation problem.
  3. Supporting Ethical Practices: Reputable rescue centers ensure the animals receive proper care and medical attention. By adopting from them, you support ethical treatment.
  4. Variety of Animals: Rescue centers have a wide range of animals, including specific breeds and mixed breeds, giving you various choices.
  5. Behavior Assessment: Many rescue centers assess the animals’ behavior and temperament, helping you find a pet that matches your lifestyle.
  6. Providing Space: When you adopt, you free up space in rescue centers, enabling them to save more animals.
  7. Adoption Fees: Adoption fees are typically lower than buying from breeders or pet stores, saving you money.
  8. Creating Awareness: Supporting rescue centers raises awareness about animal welfare and encourages responsible pet ownership.

By adopting from rescue centers, you contribute to the welfare of animals and promote a more humane society.

Pros and cons of Teddy Guinea Pig

  • Adorable Appearance
  • Cuddly and Friendly
  • Manageable Size 
  • Low Grooming Needs
  • Social Creatures
  • Health Concerns
  • Social Dependency
  • Regular Cleaning 
  • Limited Lifespan
  • Specialized Veterinary Care


How long do Teddy guinea pigs live?

Teddy guinea pigs typically live between 5 to 8 years, but proper care and genetics play a role in their lifespan.

What’s the difference between a Swiss Teddy Guinea Pig and an American Teddy?

Swiss Teddy guinea pigs are considered rarer and have a denser, slightly longer coat compared to the American Teddy.

Are Teddy guinea pigs good ‘starter’ pets?

While Teddy guinea pigs are affectionate and charming, they require time and commitment, so they might not be ideal for beginners.

Are Teddy guinea pigs friendly?

Yes, Teddy guinea pigs are known for their friendly and cuddly nature.

Where can I get a Teddy guinea pig?

Consider adopting from local rescue centers, such as the Blue Cross or RSPCA, rather than buying from pet stores.


Teddy guinea pigs are more than just cute pets; they’re loyal, affectionate, and charming additions to your family. Ensuring their happiness and health through a proper diet, housing, and regular health checks will make them delightful and long-lasting companions. By welcoming a teddy guinea pig into your life, you’re embarking on a heartwarming journey filled with love and joy.

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